Say What?!: Sticky Note Message Leads to Fortune 500 Internship for Georgia Student

Aly Delp

Aly Delp

Published November 2, 2019 4:02 am
Say What?!: Sticky Note Message Leads to Fortune 500 Internship for Georgia Student

GEORGIA — An enterprising student from Georgia Institute of Technology student managed to land an internship with a Fortune 500 company after using sticky notes to communicate with the firm.

The student used sticky notes to spell out “HIRE ME” on a window in his apartment that faces the headquarters of tech company NCR, and was surprised when a friend alerted him there was a reply in a window in the NCR building: “EMAIL?”

A later email correspondence with NCR employees and landed the student a summer internship interview offer from the company’s vice president of IT.

Read the full story here.

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